Ambulance Victoria Statement

In February 2020 Professionals Australia initiated legal action in our own name against Ambulance Victoria (“AV”) in relation to a restructure of the Strategic Communication and Engagement Division. The claim alleged that AV failed to comply with the consultation and redeployment clauses of the Ambulance Victoria (Management and Administrative Staff) Enterprise Agreement 2017. The matter was listed for hearing on 9 and 10 March 2021.

The proceedings were settled prior to trial and the attached statement has been issued by Tony Walker, CEO Ambulance Victoria. We understand a link to this statement will be included in the next CEO’s Perspective newsletter email which is provided to all AV staff. The statement will also be published on Professionals Australia’s website. We look forward to a more consultative relationship with AV and I am pleased to advise that Tony Walker and I met recently and have agreed to establish quarterly consultation meetings involving Tony, PA and our delegates in AV. Once again thank you for being a member of our union.

We are committed to representing and empowering you in your employment.

Please contact our organiser Sian Williamson should you require further information, advice or support.